Monday, April 25, 2011

cut outs

 Halloween; 10.15.2010; 6:00pm;Rexburg, ID.; f/3.5; 1/60; Canon Powershot
 Shamrock Socks; 3.17.2011; 12:00pm; Rexburg, ID.; f/4.5; 1/60; Canon EOS REBEL T2i


  1. I love the pictures. They are very festive! For the pumpkins, I wish that you had cut out all three and set them on the background. As for the St. Patrick's Day socks (that is what they are, right?) I think that a different color would have off-set the socks better. I like it though.

  2. I like the colored background with the cut-out socks, but like 'Anderson' said above, try another color that will contrast with the green. You have a nice clean cut out.
